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Registration for couple classes can only be done with a partner, and class fees for both partners must be paid at the time of registration. No partner is needed for the solo technique or chacarera classes.

Registration is open! More information about class contents  and the full schedule are below.

HUOM! Kaikille paritunneille voi ilmoittautua vain parina, ja molempien osallistumismaksu tulee maksaa ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä. Yksilötekniikka- ja Chacarera-tunneille ei tarvita paria.


Ilmoittautuminen on auki! Lisätietoa tuntisisällöistä ja tuntien aikataulu alempana.

FRI 23.2.

Maja & Marko


All levels, Individual technique

MM1 Technique for everybody: Essential embellishments

The topic of this lesson is two fun and useful embellishments: piques and crosses. you'll learn their standard form, technique, timing and placement, rhythmic variations, different qualities in both tango and vals. These two little gems may very well lead you to the wonderful world of embellishments! This lesson is intended for both leaders and followers. The students do not have to register in couple.

Åshöjdens grundskola

FRI 23.2.

Fausto & Stephanie


Intermediate / Advanced

SF1 Connection: Creation and interpretation of the guide from our
point of view

Kalliolan Setlementti

FRI 23.2.

María Inés & Sergíy


All levels

IS1 Change of the direction. Difference in couple structure in linear and circular movements

Understanding connection in a couple, and creating lots of comfort in a dance in lines and circular movement.

Kalliolan Setlementti

FRI 23.2.

Maja & Marko


All levels

MM2 Walking and/in the close embrace

What would tango be without walking and embracing! Through different exercises (alone and in couples) we'll show you how to make and keep a comfortable and soft close embrace while walking effortlessly and elegantly.

Åshöjdens grundskola

FRI 23.2.

Fausto & Stephanie


Intermediate / Advanced

SF2 Music basics: Change of dynamics, pauses, lead and interpretation

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

Fausto & Stephanie



SF3 Turns and contra-turn in close embrace

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

Pasi & Maria


Beginners' course

Beginners' course / Alkeiskurssi (1/2)

First time taking a tango lesson or you would like to go through the very basics again? This is for you. Otatko ensi askeleitasi tangossa, tai haluatko kerrata perusteita? Tämä kurssi on juuri sinua varten!

Kalliolan Setlementti

SAT 24.2.



All levels, Chacarera, Individual technique

LR1 Introduction to chacarera

Basic aspects of chacarera, musical interpretation, basic structure and steps. Everything you need to know to be able to join the chacarera ronda at the milongas!

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

Maja & Marko


All levels, Individual technique

MM3 Technique for everybody: Feeling and looking good

We'll start from the head and work our way down to the feet discussing some common problems and their solutions regarding balance, axis, posture and embrace. The focus will be on finding the balance between feeling comfortable on the inside and looking beautiful on the outside. Why choose one when you can have both!

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

Fausto & Stephanie



SF4 Rhythmic combinations for Milonga

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

María Inés & Sergíy


Intermediate / Advanced

IS2 How to create different dynamics within the couple. Stimulus - Reaction - how to not lose contact with a partner in pursuit of the beauty of movement

Very often students try to do something different, but what they are missing, is that it’s not only the steps, but also the energy and change of power of the dance

Kalliolan Setlementti

SAT 24.2.

Maja & Marko


Intermediate / Advanced

MM4 Rolling in giro

In this lesson we’ll teach you how to apply the rolling technique in one of our favourite giro combinations. Fun and dizziness are guaranteed.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

Fausto & Stephanie


Intermediate / Advanced

SF5 Combinations of sacadas and barridas

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

María Inés & Sergíy



IS3 Less is more. Use small details and embellishments to develop your own style

Some creative steps and embellishments which will make our dance reach

Kalliolan Setlementti

SAT 24.2.

Maja & Marko


Intermediate / Advanced

MM5 Boleo starter pack

We'll explain the technique of a smooth pivot (for leaders and followers) and build it up to a fierce forward and back boleo. And yes, if done correctly, boleos are milonga friendly.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SAT 24.2.

María Inés & Sergíy



IS4 Vals: It’s time for fun vals. Playing with different tiempos and structures to include sacadas and alterations in our giros

Figures which will enrich your tango vals dance. Vals will become easier and happier.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

María Inés & Sergíy



IS5 Use of energy inside of the couple. Elasticity and freedom in embrace

This class will help us to improve our embrace to a next level. After the class, the embrace will feel much better, and it will make our partner feel good.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.



All levels, Chacarera, Individual technique

LR2 Spice up your chacarera!

We will study the different versions of the chacarera simple, so that you will always be able to start the choreography at the correct moment. We will practice different structures of the zapateo and the zarandeo. A special class to give you all the tools you need to enjoy this beautiful Argentinian dance!

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

Pasi & Maria


Beginners' course

Beginners' course / Alkeiskurssi (2/2)

First time taking a tango lesson or you would like to go through the very basics again? This is for you. Otatko ensi askeleitasi tangossa, tai haluatko kerrata perusteita? Tämä kurssi on juuri sinua varten!

Kalliolan Setlementti

SUN 25.2.

Maja & Marko



MM6 Sacadas galore

Giro has 4 steps. In 3 of those the leader can do a sacada. Let us show you how. All participants must have a solid foundation in giro and sacadas.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

Fausto & Stephanie


Intermediate / Advanced

SF6 Rhythmical turns for vals

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

María Inés & Sergíy


Intermediate / Advanced

IS6 From calm to explosive. Changing dynamic and effect of the dance

Dynamic and changing dance. Helps us to look at the movement from a different angle.

Kalliolan Setlementti

SUN 25.2.

Maja & Marko



MM7 Embellishing milonga

If you're bored with regular milonga steps this is a workshop for you! We'll share a few playful combinations of embellishments in close embrace which you'll be able to further develop on your own.

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

Fausto & Stephanie


Intermediate / Advanced

SF7 Types of volcadas

Åshöjdens grundskola

SUN 25.2.

María Inés & Sergíy


All levels

IS7 Steps of the legends - eight positions of the turn. Playing with Create your own giro with sacadas and ganchos

Unique tool, which helps you to understand how giro with sacadas, barridas and ganchos works. After this class you’ll feel much better in giro with sacadas.

Kalliolan Setlementti


First time taking a tango lesson or you would like to go through the very basics again? This is for you. Get to know the dance and other dancers in your community and have fun!



Otatko ensi askeleitasi tangossa, tai haluatko kerrata perusteita? Tämä kurssi on juuri sinua varten! Tutustu tanssiin, muihin yhteisösi tanssijoihin ja pidä hauskaa!

Your skills and experience may differ, as these lessons are suitable for a variety of levels, and everyone can benefit from them a great deal. Not for complete beginners, though!



Taitosi ja kokemuksesi voi vaihdella, sillä nämä tunnit sopivat monen tasoisille tanssijoille, ja kaikki oppivat niiltä jotain hyödyllistä. Ei kuitenkaan aivan aloittelijoille!


You have been actively dancing tango for at least a couple of years, and are able to dance socially in the milonga. You want to improve your technique and vocabulary.


Olet harrastanut tangoa aktiivisesti ainakin parin vuoden ajan, ja osaat tanssia milongassa muut huomioiden. Haluat kehittää tekniikkaasi ja laajentaa liikerepertuaariasi.

You are an experienced Argentine Tango dancer and are ready for bigger challenges. You have good basic technique, balance and body control.



Olet kokenut tanguero/tanguera, joka hakee uusia haasteita. Sinulla on hyvä perustekniikka, tasapaino ja kehonhallinta.

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