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Suurkiitokset Tango Frostbite 2024!

Thank You for Tango Frostbite 2024

Suurkiitokset Tango Frostbite 2024!

Dear Tango Frostbite 2024 maestros, volunteers and dancers, the 11th edition of Tango Frostbite is now finished, and it is time say our Warmest Thank You to Everyone who contributed to making this event so delightful.

Volunteers: It is impossible to mention everyone by name, but we are convinced that everyone's contribution was important. From the people designing the first social media banners to those cleaning up El Ático after the last After-party goers had finally gone home to get the much-needed sleep, Everyone of You played an irreplaceable part in making the festival happen. Without volunteers, there would be no Tango Frostbite, and without your dedication and warmth, our wintery festival couldn't offer the welcoming embrace it has become known for.

We extend our special thanks to our wonderful Maestros: Maja & Marko, Fausto Carpino y Stephanie Fesneau, Maria Ines Bogado & Sergiy Podbolotnyy, Pasi y Maria - Tango Argentino & Luis Angel Rojas - Tango & Folklore Argentino. Thank you for sharing your art and passion with us, for inspiring us with your performances, and for making us at least a little better dancers with your classes.

We also thank our lovely DJ's Antti Suniala, La Risa, Jani Keinänen, Thea Rorvik, Emma Murros, Meeri Friman, Janne Ranne, Jenni Valli, Jaana Hänninen , Sonja Örndahl, Bernt Andreas Drange, Marina Rusakova and Luis Angel Rojas, for giving us the inspiration to keep dancing long after our bodies had told us to stop.

We especially thank Olesya Nesteruk for the life-saving Ukrainian Bortsch soup that revived the tired feet and enabled the dancers with happy bellies to stay on the dance floor well into the morning.

And finally, we thank our background association Amigos del Tango for providing the safety net that allows us to keep offering this magical event to tango lovers from near and afar.

The Tango Frostbite 2024 Organizing Team

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Frostbite 2025 DATE BANNER V14.jpg

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